CLIQUE Benchmark Instances

Table of Contents

1 Utils

  • Converter: convert from benchmarks from ascii to binary format and vice versa.

2 DIMACS Instances


Files from Dimacs in binary format (*.clq.b).

  File Max Clique1
1 brock200_1 21
2 brock200_2 12
3 brock200_3 15
4 brock200_4 17
5 brock400_1 27
6 brock400_2 29
7 brock400_3 31
8 brock400_4 33
9 brock800_1 23
10 brock800_2 24
11 brock800_3 25
12 brock800_4 26
13 c-fat200-1 12
14 c-fat200-2 24
15 c-fat200-5 58
16 c-fat500-1 14
17 c-fat500-2 26
18 c-fat500-5 64
19 c-fat500-10 126
20 hamming6-2 32
21 hamming6-4 4
22 hamming8-2 128
23 hamming8-4 16
24 hamming10-2 512
25 hamming10-4 40
26 johnson8-2-4 4
27 johnson8-4-4 14
28 johnson16-2-4 8
29 johnson32-2-4 16
30 keller4 11
31 keller5 27
32 keller6 \(\ge\) 59
33 MANN_a9 16
34 MANN_a27 126
35 MANN_a45 345
36 MANN_a81 \(\ge\) 1100
37 p_hat300-1 8
38 p_hat300-2 25
39 p_hat300-3 36
40 p_hat500-1 9
41 p_hat500-2 36
42 p_hat500-3 \(\ge\) 50
43 p_hat700-1 11
44 p_hat700-2 \(\ge\) 44
45 p_hat700-3 \(\ge\) 62
46 p_hat1000-1 \(\ge\) 10
47 p_hat1000-2 \(\ge\) 46
48 p_hat1000-3 \(\ge\) 68
49 p_hat1500-1 \(\ge\) 12
50 p_hat1500-2 \(\ge\) 65
51 p_hat1500-3 \(\ge\) 94
52 san200_0.7_1 30
53 san200_0.7_2 18
54 san200_0.9_1 70
55 san200_0.9_2 60
56 san200_0.9_3 44
57 san400_0.5_1 13
58 san400_0.7_1 40
59 san400_0.7_2 30
60 san400_0.7_3 22
61 san400_0.9_1 100
62 san1000 15
63 sanr200_0.7 18
64 sanr200_0.9 42
65 sanr400_0.5 13
66 sanr400_0.7 21

3 Additional Instances


Files from Mike Trick For the brock graphs below, there is an "off-by-one" error in the comments: if it claims node 26, for example, is in the clique, it is really node 27.

  File Max Clique1
1 brock200_2 12
2 brock200_4 17
3 brock400_2 29
4 brock400_4 33
5 brock800_2 24
6 brock800_4 26
7 C125.9 \(\ge\) 34
8 C250.9 \(\ge\) 44
9 C500.9 \(\ge\) 57
10 C1000.9 \(\ge\) 68
11 C2000.5 \(\ge\) 16
12 C2000.9 \(\ge\) 77
13 C4000.5 \(\ge\) 18
14 DSJC500.5 \(\ge\) 13
15 DSJC1000.5 \(\ge\) 15
16 gen200_p0.9_44 44
17 gen200_p0.9_55 55
18 gen400_p0.9_55 55
19 gen400_p0.9_65 65
20 gen400_p0.9_75 75
21 hamming8-4 16
22 hamming10-4 40
23 keller4 11
24 keller5 27
25 keller6 \(\ge\) 59
26 MANN_a27 126
27 MANN_a45 345
28 MANN_a81 \(\ge\) 1100
29 p_hat300-1 8
30 p_hat300-2 25
31 p_hat300-3 36
32 p_hat700-1 11
33 p_hat700-2 \(\ge\) 44
34 p_hat700-3 \(\ge\) 62
35 p_hat1500-1 \(\ge\) 12
36 p_hat1500-2 \(\ge\) 65
37 p_hat1500-3 \(\ge\) 94

4 Categories

Reference:, (cached)

(From Panos Pardalos Problems based on fault diagnosis problems. Original reference is Berman and Pelc, "Distributed Fault Diagnosis for Multiprocessor Systems," Proceedings of the 20th Annual Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, 340-346 (1990). For more instances, see the generator in graph/contributed/pardalos.
(From Panos Pardalos Problems based on problem in coding theory. A Johnson graph with parameters n; w; d has a node for every binary vector of length n with exactly w 1s. Two vertices are adjacent if and only if their hamming distance is at least d. A clique then represents a feasible set of vectors for a code. For more instances, see the generator in graph/contributed/pardalos.
(From Peter Shor Problems based on Keller's conjecture on tilings using hypercubes. One reference is J.C. Lagarias and P.W. Shor, "Keller's Cube-Tiling Conjecture is False in High Dimensions," Bulletin of the AMS, 27: 279-283 (1992). For more instances (though they get very large very fast) see either the generator in graph/contributed/shor or the generator in graph/contributed/pardalos.
(From Panos Pardalos Another coding theory problem. A Hamming graph with parameters n and d has a node for each binary vector of length n. Two nodes are adjacent if and only if the corresponding bit vectors are hamming distance at least d apart. For more instances, see the generator in graph/contributed/pardalos. It has been noted by participants that n- -2 graphs have a maximum clique of size \(2^{n-1}\). For a proof of this, see the note in graph/contributed/bourjolly/hamming.tex.
(From Laura Sanchis Instances based on her "Test Case Construction for Vertex Cover Problem," DIMACS Workshop on Computational Support for Discrete Mathematics, March 1992 along with more recent work that will be part of a technical report to be published. The generator generates instances with known clique size.
(From Laura Sanchis These are random instances with sizes similar to those in San.
(From Mark Brockington Instances from Mark Brockington and Joe Culberson's generator that attempts to "hide" cliques in a graph where the expected clique size is much smaller. For more instances, see their generator in graph/contributed/brockington.
(From Patrick Soriano and Michel Gendreau Random problems generated with the p hat generator which is a generalization of the classical uniform random graph generator. Uses 3 parameters: n, the number of nodes, and a and b, two density parameters verifying \(0 \le a \le b \le 1\). Generates problem instances having wider node degree spread and larger clique sizes. Reference: "Solving the Maximum Clique Problem Using a Tabu Search Approach", Annals of Operations Research 41, 385-403 (1993).
(From Carlo Mannino Clique formulation of the set covering formulation of the Steiner Triple Problem. Created using Mannino's code to convert set covering problems to clique problems. Notes: MANN graphs belongs to this class.

5 Other Instances

Benchmarks with Hidden Optimum Solutions for Graph Problems (Maximum Clique, Maximum Independent Set, Minimum Vertex Cover and Vertex Coloring):

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Optimal clique size obtained from various resources including and