Welcome to DynaROARS (DYNAmic, RigOrous, and Automated Reasoning Systems) Lab at George Mason University.
2/2025: TSE paper (50th Anniversary Special Issue) on Evolution of APR
2/2025: π TSE 10-Year Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award for GenProg work on automatic program repair (with Claire, Wes, and Steph)
1/2025: NeuralSATranked 2nd overall in VNN-COMP'24 (our second participation, π Hai). Note: Initially VNN-COMP's script was not able to correctly parsed the output results of NeuralSAT. After fixing the issue, NeuralSATβs results were correctly parsed and NeuralSAT is placed 2nd in VNN-COMP'24. The updated VNN-COMPβ24 report shows the updated rankings (e.g., Table B.1) and detailed results in Appendix B.
1/2025: ICSE'25 NIER paper on LLM-based autoformalization for LEAN (π Long, first paper)
8/2024: Appointed Director of the MS Software Engr program
8/2024: Promoted to Associate Professor with tenure
6/2024: π Received an NSF Collaborative Formal Methods in the Field (FMitF) Grant
5/2024: π Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award from GMU (π Stefania)
4/2024: Nguyen and Long joined as PhD students
3/2024: Stefania joined as a undergraduate researcher
2/2024: FSE'24 research paper on new optimizations developed for the NeuralSAT DNN verification tool (π Hai, first research paper as first author)
1/2024: NeuralSAT ranked 4th overall and received the New Participant Award at VNN-COMP'23 (our first participation). It also won the tllverifybench category (π Hai and Linhan)
1/2024: Huong joined as a undergraduate researcher
Older News
11/2023: π Thanksgiving party!!!
8/2023: NeuralSATranked 4th overall in the annual Verifying Neural Network competition VNN-COMP'23 (our first participation, π Hai and Linhan)
8/2023: FSE SRC (Student Research Competition) paper on dynamic complexity analysis (π Didier)
8/2023: FSE'23 Industry paper on fault localization
7/2023: π Received an NSF Formal Methods in the Field (FMitF) Grant
12/2022: ICSE SEIP paper on shift left static analysis (π KimHao)
11/2022: π Thanksgiving party!!!
11/2022: SIGMOD'23 research paper on using graph neural networks to analyze IoT interactive bugs
8/2022: π Start of the semester party!!!
8/2022: Hai joined as a Ph.D. student
7/2022: ASE'22 research paper on feed-back driven iterative Alloy repair (π Guolong)
4/2022: π Guolong defended his dissertation on Alloy analysis (first Ph.D. alumni of the group!)
4/2022: ISSTA'22 research paper on template-based Alloy repair (π Guolong)
1/2022: Two ICSE Tool papers on complex analysis (π Didier) and invariant generation (π KimHao and Hai)
1/2022: ICSE SEIP paper on analyzing CMake build scripts (π KimHao)
1/2022: Linhan joined as a Ph.D. student
12/2021: ICSE NIER paper on Graph Neural Networks analysis
9/2021: OOPSLA'21 research paper on capturing runtime complexity of recursive programs (π Didier and KimHao)
9/2021: TSE'21 journal paper on symbolic states and dynamic invariant inference (π KimHao)
8/2021: π Received a gift from Meta/Facebook to work on build systems and symbolic execution
8/2021: π Received an NSF Collaborative (Medium) Grant to dynamically analyze program liveness and safety properties
8/2021: π Farewell party!!!
7/2021: Three ASE Tool papers (π KimHao and Guolong)
6/2021: π Moving to George Mason University (Fall'21)
5/2021: π Outstanding Undergraduate Research Assistant Award from UNL CSE (π KimHao)
5/2021: π Alexey defended his Master's thesis
4/2021: π KimHao received the Top Presentation Award on analyzing configurable systems at the Nebraska Student Research Days
12/2020: Three research papers accepted at ICSE'21 on inferring interactions in
configurable software and debugging and repairing Alloy specifications (π KimHao and Guolong)
12/2020: π Received a Faculty Seed Grant Award from UNL
10/2020: OOPSLA'20 research paper on using dynamically inferred nonlinear invariants to prove program termination and non-termination
9/2020: π UCare Award from UNL and the Garmin Scholarship Award (π KimHao)
8/2020: FSE SEAD workshop paper on using recurrence relations to analyze program complexity (π Alexey and Didier)
7/2020: ICSME NIER paper on using symbolic execution to analyze the Linux build system (π KimHao)
7/2020: ICSME Doctoral Symposium paper on Alloy fault
localization and repair (π Guolong)
3/2020: π Received the NSF CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) Award on analyzing the Linux build system.
Press: UNL
3/2020: KimHao (freshman) joined as an undergraduate researcher
1/2020: Alexey joined as an M.S. student
9/2019: OOPSLA'19 research paper on using algebraic specifications to aid program synthesis
9/2019: Didier joined as a Ph.D. student
6/2019: π π Received an ACM SIGSOFT 10-year Most Influential Paper Award at ICSE
(Software Engr) on program repair. Also an ACM SIGEVO 10-year Impact Award
at GECCO (Evolutionary Computing) on using genetic programming to fix
3/2019: PLDI'19 research paper on dynamic invariant inference in separation logic (π Guolong)
1/2019: π Received a 3-year grant from the Army Research Office to work on program errors prediction and avoidance
Why are you interested in working with us? Be as specific as possible, e.g., you have read our papers or if you have worked on something related, discuss them.
We will not read or reply to your email if it is generic (i.e., could be sent to multiple professors)
Do the following programming assignments PA1 and PA2. Email all solutions in a zip file. This gives you a sense on what background you would need and allows us to evaluate your skills.
Put "Dynaroars Lab Applicant" in the subject line of the email
Send your email using plain text (no colors or fancy fonts). Do not send your transcript, GRE, or any other scores.
Note that we might not be able to respond to all mails received, especially those that might not fit our lab. However, we still encourage you to apply to GMU (why?) and mention our lab in your SOP.
IEEE TSE 50th Anniversary Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award 2025
NeuralSAT ranked 2nd overall in VNN-COMP'24
Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award 2024 (Stefania@GMU)
NeuralSAT received the New Participant Award at VNN-COMP'23
Outstanding Undergraduate Senior Award 2023 (KimHao@UNL)
Program Analysis and Invariants Discovery: we have developed dynamic, static, and
symbolic techniques to analyze program semantics and to discover and prove interesting properties.
Examples: discovering nonlinear
polynomial invariants using dynamic analysis (ICSE Distinguished Paper
Award); discovering heap-based memory properties using
separation logic; generating
program interactions in highly-configurable software using
decision trees
Fault Localization and Automated Program Repair: we have developed techniques and tools to automatically identify code region responsible program bugs and modify existing or creating new code to repair the bugs.
NeuralSAT: A high-performance deep neural network (DNN) verification tool.
DIG: A numerical invariant generation tool, focusing on nonlinear polynomials
NLA-Digbench: this
SV-COMP benchmark contains various program with nonlinear invariants and properties.
Solving NP-Complete problems
AntColor: an ant-based heuristics for the graph coloring problem and its generalizations
AMC: a fast, parallel ant-based algorithm for the maximum clique problem
NP Benchmarks: a comprehensive collection of benchmarks (in DIMACS format) for various NP-Complete problems including graph coloring, maximum clique, vertex cover, and spanning tree
Bold conference or journal names: full technical papers at top conferences or journals
Claire Le Goues, ThanhVu Nguyen, Stephanie Forrest, and Westley Weimer. The Evolution of Automated Software Repair, Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2025
Long Doan and ThanhVu Nguyen.
AI-Assisted Autoformalization of Combinatorics Problems in Proof Assistants,
International Conference on Software Engineering- New Idea and Emergining Results (ICSE-NIER), 2025
Quoc-Sang Phan, KimHao Nguyen, ThanhVu Nguyen.
Challenges in Shift Left Static Analysis,
International Conference on Software Engineering-Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP), 340--342, 2023
KimHao Nguyen, ThanhVu Nguyen, and Quoc-Sang Phan.
Analyzing the CMake Build System.
International Conference on Software Engineering-Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP), pages 27--28, 2022
Thanh-Dat Nguyen, Thanh Le Cong, ThanhVu Nguyen, Bach Le, and Huynh Quyet Thang.
Toward the Analysis of Graph Neural Network.
International Conference on Software Engineering- New Idea and Emergining Results (ICSE-NIER), pages 116β-120, 2022
Guolong Zheng, Hamid Bagheri and Thanhvu Nguyen. Debugging
Declarative Models in
Alloy. International Conference on Software Maintenance and
Evolution, Doctoral Symposium (ICSME), pages 844β848, 2020.
π Manfred Paul Award for ExcellenceSoftware: Theory and
π ACM SIGSOFT 10-year Most Influential Paper Award
ThanhVu Nguyen, Westley Weimer, Claire Le Goues, and Stephanie
Forrest. Using Execution Paths to
Evolve Software Patches. International Conference on Software
Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICST), pages 152-β153.
IEEE, 2009.
π Best Short Paper Award and Best Presentation Award
James Smith, III and ThanhVu Nguyen. Fuzzy Logic Based UAV
Allocation and
Coordination. International Conference on Informatics in Control
Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), pages 81-β94. Springer, 2006.